32 Your sons and daughters will be given to another nation, and you will grow tired looking for them every day, but there will be nothing you can do.
33 People you don’t know will eat the crops your land and hard work have produced. You will be mistreated and abused all your life.
34 The things you see will cause you to go mad.
35 The Lord will give you sore boils on your knees and legs that cannot be cured, and they will go from the soles of your feet to the tops of your heads.
36 The Lord will send you and your king away to a nation neither you nor your ancestors know, where you will serve other gods made of wood and stone.
37 You will become a hated thing to the nations where the Lord sends you; they will laugh at you and make fun of you.
38 You will plant much seed in your field, but your harvest will be small, because locusts will eat the crop.