20 Surely there is not a good person on earthwho always does good and never sins.
21 Don’t listen to everything people say,or you might hear your servant insulting you.
22 You know that many timesyou have insulted others.
23 I used wisdom to test all these things.I wanted to be wise,but it was too hard for me.
24 I cannot understand why things are as they are.It is too hard for anyone to understand.
25 I studied and tried very hard to find wisdom,to find some meaning for everything.I learned that it is foolish to be evil,and it is crazy to act like a fool.
26 I found that some women are worse than deathand are as dangerous as traps.Their love is like a net,and their arms hold men like chains.A man who pleases God will be saved from them,but a sinner will be caught by them.