24 I cannot understand why things are as they are.It is too hard for anyone to understand.
25 I studied and tried very hard to find wisdom,to find some meaning for everything.I learned that it is foolish to be evil,and it is crazy to act like a fool.
26 I found that some women are worse than deathand are as dangerous as traps.Their love is like a net,and their arms hold men like chains.A man who pleases God will be saved from them,but a sinner will be caught by them.
27 The Teacher says, “This is what I learned:I added all these things togetherto find some meaning for everything.
28 While I was searching,I did not find one man among the thousands I found.Nor did I find a woman among all these.
29 One thing I have learned:God made people good,but they have found all kinds of ways to be bad.”