3 That city, the pride of Israel’s drunken people,will be trampled underfoot.
4 That beautiful crown of flowers is just a dying plantset on a hill above a rich valley.That city will be like the first fig of summer.Anyone who sees itquickly picks it and eats it.
5 At that time the Lord All-Powerfulwill be like a beautiful crown,like a wonderful crown of flowersfor his people who are left alive.
6 Then he will give wisdom to the judges who must decide casesand strength to those who battle at the city gate.
7 But now those leaders are drunk with wine;they stumble from drinking too much beer.The priests and prophets are drunk with beerand are filled with wine.They stumble from too much beer.The prophets are drunk when they see their visions;the judges stumble when they make their decisions.
8 Every table is covered with vomit,so there is not a clean place anywhere.
9 The Lord is trying to teach the people a lesson;he is trying to make them understand his teachings.But the people are like babies too old for breast milk,like those who no longer nurse at their mother’s breast.