9 You will tell the prisoners, ‘Come out of your prison.’You will tell those in darkness, ‘Come into the light.’The people will eat beside the roads,and they will find food even on bare hills.
10 They will not be hungry or thirsty.Neither the hot sun nor the desert wind will hurt them.The God who comforts them will lead themand guide them by springs of water.
11 I will make my mountains into roads,and the roads will be raised up.
12 Look, people are coming to me from far away,from the north and from the west,from Aswan in southern Egypt.”
13 Heavens and earth, be happy.Mountains, shout with joy,because the Lord comforts his peopleand will have pity on those who suffer.
14 But Jerusalem said, “The Lord has left me;the Lord has forgotten me.”
15 The Lord answers, “Can a woman forget the baby she nurses?Can she feel no kindness for the child to which she gave birth?Even if she could forget her children,I will not forget you.