15 So the common people and the great people will be brought down;those who are proud will be humbled.
16 The Lord All-Powerful will receive glory by judging fairly;the holy God will show himself holy by doing what is right.
17 Then the sheep will go anywhere they want,and lambs will feed on the land that rich people once owned.
18 How terrible it will be for those people!They pull their guilt and sins behind themas people pull wagons with ropes.
19 They say, “Let God hurry;let him do his work soonso we may see it.Let the plan of the Holy One of Israel happen soonso that we will know what it is.”
20 How terrible it will be for people who call good things badand bad things good,who think darkness is lightand light is darkness,who think sour is sweetand sweet is sour.
21 How terrible it will be for people who think they are wiseand believe they are clever.