10 if you feed those who are hungryand take care of the needs of those who are troubled,then your light will shine in the darkness,and you will be bright like sunshine at noon.
11 The Lord will always lead you.He will satisfy your needs in dry landsand give strength to your bones.You will be like a garden that has much water,like a spring that never runs dry.
12 Your people will rebuild the old cities that are now in ruins;you will rebuild their foundations.You will be known for repairing the broken placesand for rebuilding the roads and houses.
13 “You must obey God’s law about the Sabbathand not do what pleases yourselves on that holy day.You should call the Sabbath a joyful dayand honor it as the Lord’s holy day.You should honor it by not doing whatever you pleasenor saying whatever you please on that day.
14 Then you will find joy in the Lord,and I will carry you to the high places above the earth.I will let you eat the crops of the land your ancestor Jacob had.”The Lord has said these things.