7 Power and peace will be in his kingdomand will continue to grow forever.He will rule as king on David’s throneand over David’s kingdom.He will make it strongby ruling with justice and goodnessfrom now on and forever.The Lord All-Powerful will do thisbecause of his strong love for his people.
8 The Lord sent a message against the people of Jacob;it says that God will judge Israel.
9 Then everyone in Israel, even the leaders in Samaria,will know that God has sent it.Those people are proud and brag by saying,
10 “These bricks have fallen,but we will build again with cut stones.These small trees have been chopped down,but we will put great cedars there.”
11 But the Lord has brought the enemies of Rezin against them;he has stirred up their enemies against them.
12 The Arameans came from the eastand the Philistines from the west,and they ate up Israel with their armies.But the Lord was still angry;his hand was still raised to punish the people.
13 But the people did not return to the one who had struck them;they did not follow the Lord All-Powerful.