5 The mountains shook before the Lord, the God of Mount Sinai,before the Lord, the God of Israel!
6 “In the days of Shamgar son of Anath,in the days of Jael, the main roads were empty.Travelers went on the back roads.
7 There were no warriors in Israeluntil I, Deborah, arose,until I arose to be a mother to Israel.
8 At that time they chose to follow new gods.Because of this, enemies fought us at our city gates.No one could find a shield or a spearamong the forty thousand people of Israel.
9 My heart is with the commanders of Israel.They volunteered freely from among the people.Praise the Lord!
10 “You who ride on white donkeysand sit on saddle blankets,and you who walk along the road, listen!
11 Listen to the sound of the singersat the watering holes.There they tell about the victories of the Lord,the victories of the Lord’s warriors in Israel.Then the Lord’s people went down to the city gates.