4 The roads to Jerusalem are sad,because no one comes for the feasts.No one passes through her gates.Her priests groan,her young women are suffering,and Jerusalem suffers terribly.
5 Her foes are now her masters.Her enemies enjoy the wealth they have taken.The Lord is punishing herfor her many sins.Her children have gone awayas captives of the enemy.
6 The beauty of Jerusalemhas gone away.Her rulers are like deerthat cannot find food.They are weakand run from the hunters.
7 Jerusalem is suffering and homeless.She remembers all the good thingsfrom the past.But her people were defeated by the enemy,and there was no one to help her.When her enemies saw her,they laughed to see her ruined.
8 Jerusalem sinned terribly,so she has become unclean.Those who honored her now hate her,because they have seen her nakedness.She groansand turns away.
9 She made herself dirty by her sinsand did not think about what would happen to her.Her defeat was surprising,and no one could comfort her.She says, “Lord, see how I suffer,because the enemy has won.”
10 The enemy reached out and tookall her precious things.She even saw foreignersenter her Temple.The Lord had commanded foreignersnever to enter the meeting place of his people.