6 My people have been punishedmore than Sodom was.Sodom was destroyed suddenly,and no hands reached out to help her.
7 Our princes were purer than snow,and whiter than milk.Their bodies were redder than rubies;they looked like sapphires.
8 But now they are blacker than coal,and no one recognizes them in the streets.Their skin hangs on their bones;it is as dry as wood.
9 Those who were killed in the war were better offthan those killed by hunger.They starve in pain and die,because there is no food from the field.
10 With their own hands kind womencook their own children.They became foodwhen my people were destroyed.
11 The Lord turned loose all of his anger;he poured out his strong anger.He set fire to Jerusalem,burning it down to the foundations.
12 Kings of the earth and people of the worldcould not believethat enemies and foescould enter the gates of Jerusalem.