17 “ ‘Whoever kills another person must be put to death.
18 Whoever kills an animal that belongs to another person must give that person another animal to take its place.
19 And whoever causes an injury to a neighbor must receive the same kind of injury in return:
20 Broken bone for broken bone, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. Anyone who injures another person must be injured in the same way in return.
21 Whoever kills another person’s animal must give that person another animal to take its place. But whoever kills another person must be put to death.
22 “ ‘The law will be the same for the foreigner as for those from your own country. I am the Lord your God.’ ”
23 Then Moses spoke to the people of Israel, and they took the person who had cursed outside the camp and killed him by throwing stones at him. So the people of Israel did as the Lord had commanded Moses.