34 Also the fields and pastures around the Levites’ cities cannot be sold, because those fields belong to the Levites forever.
35 “ ‘If anyone from your country becomes too poor to support himself, help him to live among you as you would a stranger or foreigner.
36 Do not charge him any interest on money you loan to him, but respect your God; let the poor live among you.
37 Don’t lend him money for interest, and don’t try to make a profit from the food he buys.
38 I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt to give the land of Canaan to you and to become your God.
39 “ ‘If anyone from your country becomes very poor and sells himself as a slave to you, you must not make him work like a slave.
40 He will be like a hired worker and a visitor with you until the year of Jubilee.