11 “ ‘Unclean animals cannot be offered as sacrifices to the Lord, and if someone brings one of them to the Lord, that animal must be brought to the priest.
12 The priest will decide a price for the animal, according to whether it is good or bad; as the priest decides, that is the price for the animal.
13 If the person wants to buy back the animal, an additional one-fifth must be added to the price.
14 “ ‘If a person gives a house as holy to the Lord, the priest must decide its value, according to whether the house is good or bad; as the priest decides, that is the price for the house.
15 But if the person who gives the house wants to buy it back, an additional one-fifth must be added to the price. Then the house will belong to that person again.
16 “ ‘If a person gives some family property to the Lord, the value of the fields will depend on how much seed is needed to plant them. It will cost about one and one-fourth pounds of silver for each six bushels of barley seed needed.
17 If the person gives a field at the year of Jubilee, its value will stay at what the priest has decided.