16 “ ‘If a person brings a fellowship offering just to give a gift to God or because of a special promise to him, the sacrifice should be eaten the same day he offers it. If there is any left, it may be eaten the next day.
17 If any meat from this sacrifice is left on the third day, it must be burned up.
18 Any meat of the fellowship offering eaten on the third day will not be accepted, nor will the sacrifice count for the person who offered it. It will become unclean, and anyone who eats the meat will be guilty of sin.
19 “ ‘People must not eat meat that touches anything unclean; they must burn this meat with fire. Anyone who is clean may eat other meat.
20 But if anyone is unclean and eats the meat from the fellowship offering that belongs to the Lord, he must be cut off from his people.
21 “ ‘If anyone touches something unclean—uncleanness that comes from people, from an animal, or from some hated thing—touching it will make him unclean. If he then eats meat from the fellowship offering that belongs to the Lord, he must be cut off from his people.’ ”
22 The Lord said to Moses,