1 Poor me! I am like a hungry man,and all the summer fruit has been picked—there are no grapes left to eat,none of the early figs I love.
2 All of the faithful people are gone;there is not one good person left in this country.Everyone is waiting to kill someone;everyone is trying to trap someone else.
3 With both hands they are doing evil.Rulers ask for money,and judges’ decisions are bought for a price.Rich people tell what they want,and they get it.
4 Even the best of them is like a thornbush;the most honest of them is worse than a prickly plant.The day that your watchmen warned you about has come.Now they will be confused.
5 Don’t believe your neighboror trust a friend.Don’t say anything,even to your wife.
6 A son will not honor his father,a daughter will turn against her mother,and a daughter-in-law will be against her mother-in-law;a person’s enemies will be members of his own family.