2 “These are the teachings that the Lord commanded. Tell the Israelites to get a young red cow that does not have anything wrong with it and that has never been worked.
3 Give the cow to Eleazar the priest; he will take it outside the camp and kill it.
4 Then Eleazar the priest must put some of its blood on his finger and sprinkle it seven times toward the front of the Meeting Tent.
5 The whole cow must be burned while he watches; the skin, the meat, the blood, and the intestines must all be burned.
6 Then the priest must take a cedar stick, a hyssop branch, and a red string and throw them onto the burning cow.
7 After the priest has washed himself and his clothes with water, he may come back into the camp, but he will be unclean until evening.
8 The man who burns the cow must wash himself and his clothes in water; he will be unclean until evening.