3 That is good. It pleases God our Savior.
4 He wants everyone to be saved. He wants them to come to know the truth.
5 There is only one God. And there is only one go-between for God and human beings. He is the man Christ Jesus.
6 He gave himself to pay for the sins of everyone. That was a witness given by God at just the right time.
7 I was appointed to be a messenger and an apostle to preach the good news. I am telling the truth. I'm not lying. God appointed me to be a teacher of the true faith to those who aren't Jews.
8 I want men everywhere to pray. I want them to lift up holy hands. I don't want them to be angry when they pray. I don't want them to argue.
9 I also want women to dress simply. They should wear clothes that are right and proper. They shouldn't braid their hair. They shouldn't wear gold or pearls. They shouldn't spend too much on clothes.