1 I hope you will put up with a little of my foolish bragging. But you are already doing that.
2 My jealousy for you comes from God himself. I promised to give you to only one husband. That husband is Christ. I wanted to be able to give you to him as if you were a pure virgin.
3 But Eve was tricked by the snake's clever lies. And I'm afraid that in the same way your minds will somehow be led down the wrong path. They will be led away from your true and pure love for Christ.
4 Suppose someone comes to you and preaches about a Jesus different from the Jesus we preached about. Or suppose you receive a spirit different from the one you received before. Or suppose you receive a message of good news different from the one you accepted earlier. You put up with those kinds of things easily enough.
5 But I don't think I'm in any way less important than those "super-apostles."
6 I may not be a trained speaker. But I do have knowledge. I've made that very clear to you in every way.
7 When I preached God's good news to you free of charge, I put myself down in order to lift you up. Was that a sin?