13 He has saved us from the kingdom of darkness. He has brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves.
14 Because of what the Son has done, we have been set free. Because of him, all of our sins have been forgiven.
15 Christ is the exact likeness of God, who can't be seen. He is first, and he is over all of creation.
16 All things were created by him. He created everything in heaven and on earth. He created everything that can be seen and everything that can't be seen. He created kings, powers, rulers and authorities. Everything was created by him and for him.
17 Before anything was created, he was already there. He holds everything together.
18 And he is the head of the body, which is the church. He is the beginning. He is the first to be raised from the dead. That happened so that he would be far above everything.
19 God was pleased to have his whole nature living in Christ.