17 Abraham had faith. So he offered Isaac as a sacrifice. That happened when God put him to the test. Abraham had received the promises. But he was about to offer his one and only son.
18 God had said to him, "Your family line will continue through Isaac." (Genesis 21:12) Even so, Abraham was going to offer him up.
19 Abraham believed that God could raise the dead. In a way, he did receive Isaac back from death.
20 Isaac had faith. So he blessed Jacob and Esau. He told them what was ahead for them.
21 Jacob had faith. So he blessed each of Joseph's sons. He blessed them when he was dying. Because of his faith he worshiped God as he leaned on the top of his wooden staff.
22 Joseph had faith. So he spoke to the people of Israel about their leaving Egypt. He gave directions about his bones. He did that toward the end of his life.
23 Moses' parents had faith. So they hid him for three months after he was born. They saw he was a special child. They were not afraid of the king's command.