6 It is still true that some will enjoy that rest. But those who had the good news preached to them earlier didn't go in. That was because they didn't obey.
7 So God again chose a certain day. He named it Today. He did that when he spoke through David a long time later. As it was said earlier, "Listen to his voice today. If you hear it, don't be stubborn." (Psalm 95:7,8)
8 Suppose Joshua had given them rest. If he had, God would not have spoken later about another day.
9 So there is still a Sabbath rest for God's people.
10 God rested from his work. Those who enjoy God's rest also rest from their work.
11 So let us make every effort to enjoy that rest. Then no one will fall into sin by following the example of those who didn't obey God.
12 The word of God is living and active. It is sharper than any sword that has two edges. It cuts deep enough to separate soul from spirit. It can separate joints from bones. It judges the thoughts and purposes of the heart.