11 The priests couldn't do their work because of it. That's because the glory of the Lord filled his temple.
12 Then Solomon said, "Lord, you have said you would live in a dark cloud.
13 As you can see, I've built a beautiful temple for you. You can live in it forever."
14 The whole community of Israel was standing there. The king turned around and gave them his blessing.
15 Then he said, "I praise the Lord. He is the God of Israel. With his own mouth he made a promise to my father David. With his own powerful hand he made it come true. He said,
16 'I brought my people Israel out of Egypt. Ever since I did that, I have not chosen a city in any tribe of Israel where a temple could be built for my Name. But I have chosen David to rule over my people Israel.'
17 "With all his heart my father David wanted to build a temple. He wanted to do it so the Lord could put his Name there. The Lord is the God of Israel.