14 "So I took an oath and made a promise to the family of Eli. I said, 'The sins of Eli's family will never be paid for by bringing sacrifices or offerings.' "
15 Samuel lay down until morning. Then he opened the doors of the Lord's house. He was afraid to tell Eli about the vision he had received.
16 But Eli called out to him. He said, "Samuel, my son." Samuel answered, "Here I am."
17 "What did the Lord say to you?" Eli asked. "Don't hide from me anything he told you. If you do, may God punish you greatly."
18 So Samuel told him everything. He didn't hide anything from him. Then Eli said, "He is the Lord. Let him do what he thinks is best."
19 As Samuel grew up, the Lord was with him. He made everything Samuel said come true.
20 So all of the people of Israel recognized that Samuel really was a prophet of the Lord. Everyone from Dan all the way to Beersheba knew it.