2 Chronicles 26:14-20 NIRV

14 Uzziah provided the entire army with shields, spears, helmets, coats of armor, bows, and stones for their slings.

15 In Jerusalem he made machines that were based on patterns that skilled men had drawn up. The machines were used on the towers and on the corners of walls. They could shoot arrows. They could also throw large stones. Uzziah became famous everywhere. God greatly helped him until he became powerful.

16 But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride brought him down. He wasn't faithful to the Lord his God. He entered the Lord's temple to burn incense on the altar for burning incense.

17 The priest Azariah followed him in. So did 80 other brave priests of the Lord.

18 They stood up to Uzziah. They said, "Uzziah, it isn't right for you to burn incense to the Lord. Only the priests are supposed to do that. They are members of the family line of Aaron. They have been set apart to burn incense. So get out of here. Leave the temple. You haven't been faithful. The Lord God won't honor you."

19 Uzziah was holding a shallow cup. He was ready to burn incense. He became angry. He shouted at the priests in the Lord's temple. He did it near the altar for burning incense. While he was shouting, a skin disease suddenly broke out on his forehead.

20 The chief priest Azariah looked at him. So did all of the other priests. They saw that Uzziah had a skin disease on his forehead. So they hurried him out of the temple. Actually, he himself really wanted to leave. He knew that the Lord was making him suffer.