1 How terrible it will be for you men who are so contented on Mount Zion! How terrible for you who feel secure on the hill of Samaria! You are famous men from the greatest nation. The people of Israel come to you for help and advice.
2 Go to the city of Calneh. Look at it. Go from there to the great city of Hamath. Then go down to Gath in Philistia. Are those places better off than your two kingdoms? Is their land larger than yours?
3 You are trying to avoid the time when trouble will come. But you are only bringing closer the Assyrian rule of terror.
4 You lie down on beds that are decorated with ivory. You rest on your couches. You eat the best lambs and the fattest calves.
5 You pluck away on your harps as David did. You play new songs on musical instruments.
6 You drink wine by the bowlful. You use the finest lotions. But Joseph's people will soon be destroyed. And you aren't even sad about it.
7 So you will be among the first to be taken away as prisoners. You won't be able to enjoy good food. You won't lie around on couches anymore.