6 Remember your Creator before the silver cord is cut. That's when the golden bowl will be broken. The wheel will be broken at the well. The pitcher will be smashed at the spring.
7 Remember your Creator before you return to the dust you came from. That's when your spirit will go back to God who gave it.
8 "Meaningless! Everything is meaningless!" says the Teacher. "Nothing has any meaning."
9 The Teacher was wise. He gave knowledge to people. He put many proverbs to the test. He thought about them carefully. Then he wrote them down in order.
10 He did his best to find just the right words. And what he wrote was honest and true.
11 The sayings of those who are wise move people to take action. Their collected sayings really nail things down. They are given to us by one Shepherd.
12 My son, be careful not to pay attention to anything that is added to them. Books will never stop being written. Too much studying makes people tired.