28 The workers also made the turban out of fine linen. And they made the headbands and the underwear out of finely twisted linen.
29 The belt was made out of finely twisted linen and blue, purple and bright red yarn. A person who sewed skillfully made it. The workers did those things just as the Lord had commanded Moses.
30 They made the plate out of pure gold. It was a sacred crown. They carved words on it as if it were a seal. They carved the words set apart for the Lord.
31 Then they tied the plate to the turban with a blue cord. They did those things just as the Lord had commanded Moses.
32 So all of the work on the holy tent, the Tent of Meeting, was completed. The people of Israel did everything just as the Lord had commanded Moses.
33 Then they brought the holy tent to Moses along with everything that belonged to it. Here are the things they brought. hooks frames crossbars posts bases
34 the covering of ram skins that were dyed red the covering of the hides of sea cows the curtain that screens the ark