10 You will die just like those who have not been circumcised. Strangers will kill you. I have spoken," announces the Lord and King.
11 A message came to me from the Lord. He said,
12 "Son of man, sing a song of sadness about the king of Tyre. Tell him, 'The Lord and King says, " ' "You were the model of perfection. You were full of wisdom. You were perfect and beautiful.
13 You were in Eden. It was my garden. All kinds of jewels decorated you. Here is a list of them. ruby, topaz and emerald chrysolite, onyx and jasper sapphire, turquoise and beryl Your settings and mountings were made out of gold. On the day you were created, they were prepared.
14 I appointed you to be like a guardian cherub. I anointed you for that purpose. You were on my holy mountain. You walked among the gleaming jewels.
15 Your conduct was without blame from the day you were created. But soon you began to sin.
16 You traded with many nations. You harmed people everywhere. And you sinned. So I sent you away from my mountain in shame. Guardian cherub, I drove you away from among the gleaming jewels.