12 " 'The time has come! The day has arrived! I will soon pour out my burning anger on the whole crowd of you. Do not let the buyer be happy. Do not let the seller be sad.
13 The seller will not get back the land that was sold as long as both of them are alive. " 'Ezekiel, the vision I gave you about that whole crowd will come true. They have committed many sins. So none of them will remain alive.
14 They might blow trumpets. They might get everything ready. But no one will go into battle. I will soon pour out my burning anger on the whole crowd.
15 " 'There is trouble everywhere. War is outside the city. Plague and hunger are inside it. Those who are out in the country will die in battle. Those in the city will be destroyed by hunger and plague.
16 All those who escape and are left alive will run to the mountains. They have committed many sins. So they will cry like sad doves in the valleys.
17 " 'Their hands will be powerless to help them. Their knees will become as weak as water.
18 They will put on black clothes. They will put on terror as if it were their clothes. Their faces will be covered with shame. Their heads will be shaved.