41 That's what it was like for the 20 years I was living with you. "I worked for 14 years to get your two daughters. I worked for six years to get my share of your flocks. You changed my pay ten times.
42 "But the God of my father was with me. He is the God of Abraham and the God Isaac worshiped. If he hadn't been with me, you would certainly have sent me away without anything to show for all of my work. But God has seen my hard times. He has seen all of the work my hands have done. So last night he warned you."
43 Laban answered Jacob, "The women are my daughters. The children are my children. The flocks are my flocks. Everything you see is mine. But what can I do today about these daughters of mine? What can I do about the children they've had?
44 "Come now. Let's make a covenant, you and I. Let it be a witness between us."
45 So Jacob took a stone. He set it up as a pillar.
46 He said to his relatives, "Get some stones." So they took stones and put them in a pile. And they ate there by it.
47 Laban named the pile of stones Jegar Sahadutha. Jacob named it Galeed.