10 The right to rule will not leave Judah. The ruler's rod will not be taken from between his feet. It will be his until the king it belongs to comes. It will be his until the nations obey him.
11 He will tie his donkey to a vine. He will tie his colt to the very best branch. He will wash his clothes in wine. He will wash his robes in the red juice of grapes.
12 His eyes will be darker than wine. His teeth will be whiter than milk.
13 "Zebulun will live by the seashore. He will become a safe harbor for ships. His border will go out toward Sidon.
14 "Issachar is like a donkey lying down between two saddlebags.
15 He sees how good his resting place is. He sees that his land is pleasant. So he'll carry a heavy load on his back. He will obey when he's forced to work.
16 "Dan will do what is fair for his people. He will do it as one of the tribes of Israel.