3 "Their evil conduct even makes the king glad. Their lies make the princes happy.
4 But all of the people are unfaithful to the king. Their anger against him burns like the coals in an oven. The baker does not even need to stir up the fire until the dough is ready."
5 On special days to honor our king, the princes get drunk with wine. And the king enjoys the party. He joins hands with those who pretend to be faithful to him.
6 Their hearts are as hot as an oven. They make evil plans to get rid of him. Their anger burns like a slow fire all night. In the morning it blazes out like a flaming fire.
7 All of them are as hot as an oven. They destroy their rulers. All of their kings fall from power. But none of them calls on the Lord for help.
8 The people of Ephraim mix with the nations. They are like a flat cake that is baked on only one side.
9 People from other lands make them weaker and weaker. But they don't realize it. Their hair is becoming gray. But they don't even notice it.