8 But suppose the nation I warned turns away from its sins. Then I will not do what I said I would. I will not bring trouble on it as I had planned.
9 "Suppose at another time I announce that a nation or kingdom is going to be built up and planted.
10 But it does what is evil in my sight. It does not obey me. Then I will think again about the good things I had wanted to do for it.
11 "So speak to the people of Judah and Jerusalem. Tell them, 'The Lord says, "Look! I am making plans against you. I am going to bring trouble on you. So each one of you must turn from your evil ways. Change the way you live and act." '
12 "But they will reply, 'It's no use. We will continue to do what we've already planned. All of us will do what our stubborn and evil hearts want us to do.' "
13 So the Lord says, "Ask the nations a question. Say to them, 'Who has ever heard anything like this? The people of Israel have done a very horrible thing.
14 Does the snow ever disappear from Lebanon's rocky slopes? Do its cool waters ever stop flowing from places far away?