Jeremiah 27:14-20 NIRV

14 "Don't listen to the words of the prophets who say to you, 'You won't serve the king of Babylonia.' They are prophesying lies to you.

15 'I have not sent them,' announces the Lord. 'They are prophesying lies in my name. So I will drive you away from your land. And you will die. So will the prophets who prophesy to you.' "

16 Then I spoke to the priests and all of those people. I said, "The Lord says, 'Do not listen to the prophets who say, "Very soon the articles from the Lord's house will be brought back from Babylon." They are prophesying lies to you.

17 Do not listen to them. Serve the king of Babylonia. Then you will live. Why should this city be destroyed?

18 " 'If they are prophets and have received a message from me, let them pray to me. I am the Lord who rules over all. Those prophets should pray that what is still in Jerusalem will remain here. They should pray that the articles in my house and the king's palace will not be taken to Babylon.

19 " 'I am the Lord who rules over all. Do you know what those articles are? They include the two pillars in front of the temple. They include the huge metal bowl. They include the bronze stands that can be moved around. And they include the other articles that are left in this city.

20 Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylonia, did not take those things away at first. That was when he took King Jehoiachin from Jerusalem to Babylon. He also took all of the nobles of Judah and Jerusalem along with him. Jehoiachin is the son of Jehoiakim.