Jeremiah 33:5-11 NIRV

5 That was during their fight with the armies of Babylonia. The Lord says, "The houses will be filled with dead bodies. They will be the bodies of the men I will kill when my anger burns against them. I will hide my face from this city. That is because its people have committed so many sins.

6 "But now I will bring health and healing to Jerusalem. I will heal my people. I will let them enjoy great peace and security.

7 I will bring Judah and Israel back from the places where they have been taken. I will build up the nation again. It will be just as it was before.

8 "I will wash from its people all of the sins they have committed against me. And I will forgive all of the sins they committed when they turned away from me.

9 "Then this city will bring me fame, joy, praise and honor. All of the nations on earth will hear about the good things I do for this city. They will see the great success and peace I give it. Then they will be filled with wonder. And they will tremble with fear."

10 The Lord says, "You say about this place, 'It's a dry and empty desert. It doesn't have any people or animals in it.' The towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem are now deserted. So they do not have any people or animals living in them. But happy sounds will be heard there once more.

11 They will be the sounds of joy and gladness. The voices of brides and grooms will fill the streets. "And the voices of those who bring thank offerings to my house will be heard there. They will say, 'Give thanks to the Lord who rules over all, because he is good. His faithful love continues forever.' That is because I will bless this land with great success again. It will be as it was before," says the Lord.