8 The one who is going to destroy you will come against every town. Not even one of them will escape. The valley and the high flatlands will be destroyed. I, the Lord, have spoken.
9 Sprinkle salt all over Moab. It will be completely destroyed. Its towns will be a dry and empty desert. No one will live in them.
10 "May a person who is lazy when he does my work be under my curse! May anyone who keeps his sword from killing be under my curse!
11 "Moab has been at peace and rest from its earliest days. It is like wine that has not been shaken up. It has not been poured from one jar to another. Moab 's people have not been taken away from their land. They are like wine that tastes as it always did. Its smell has not changed at all.
12 But other days are coming," announces the Lord. "At that time I will send people who pour wine from jars. They will pour Moab out like wine. They will empty its jars. They will smash its jugs.
13 Then Moab's people will be ashamed of their god Chemosh. They will be ashamed just as the people of Israel were when they trusted in their god at Bethel.
14 "How can you say, 'We are soldiers. We are men who are brave in battle'?