12 The groans of those who are dying are heard from the city. Those who are wounded cry out for help. But God doesn't charge anyone with doing what is wrong.
13 "Some people hate it when daylight comes. In the daytime they never walk outside.
14 When daylight is gone, murderers get up. They kill poor people and those who are in need. In the night they sneak around like robbers.
15 Those who commit adultery wait until the sun goes down. They think, 'No one will see us.' They keep their faces hidden.
16 In the dark, people break into houses. But by day they shut themselves in. They don't want anything to do with the light.
17 The deepest darkness is like morning to them. The terrors of darkness are their friends.
18 "But sinners are like bubbles on the surface of water. Their share of the land is under God's curse. So no one goes to their vineyards.