9 "The Lord has driven out great and powerful nations to make room for you. To this very day no one has been able to fight against you and win.
10 One of you can chase a thousand away. That's because the Lord your God fights for you, just as he promised he would.
11 So be very careful to love the Lord your God.
12 "But suppose you turn away from him. You mix with the people who are left alive in the nations that remain among you. Later, you and they get married to each other. And you do other kinds of things with them.
13 Then you can be sure of what the Lord your God will do. He won't drive out those nations to make room for you anymore. Instead, they will become traps and snares for you. They will be like whips on your backs. They will be like thorns in your eyes. All of that will continue until you are destroyed. It will continue until you are removed from this good land. It's the land the Lord your God has given you.
14 "Now I'm about to die, just as everyone else on earth does. The Lord your God has kept all of the good promises he gave you. Every one of them has come true. Not one has failed to come true. And you know that with all your heart and soul.
15 "Every good promise of the Lord your God has come true. So you know that the Lord will bring on you all of the evil things he has warned you about. He'll do it until he has destroyed you. He'll do it until he has removed you from this good land. It's the land he has given you.