6 "I took my concubine and cut her into pieces. I sent one piece to each part of Israel's territory. I did it because they had done a very terrible thing in Israel.
7 All of you men of Israel, speak up now. Give your decision."
8 All of the men got up together. They said, "None of us will go home. Not one of us will return to his house.
9 Here is what we'll do to Gibeah. We'll use lots to tell us how to attack the city.
10 We'll take ten men out of every 100 from all of the tribes of Israel. We'll take 100 from every 1,000. We'll take 1,000 from every 10,000. The men we take will get supplies for the army. Then the army will go to Gibeah in Benjamin. They'll give Gibeah exactly what they should get because of the evil thing they did in Israel."
11 So all of the men of Israel came together to fight against the city.
12 The tribes of Israel sent men through the whole tribe of Benjamin. They said, "What about this awful crime that was committed among you?