Malachi 3:5-11 NIRV

5 "So I will come and judge you. I will be quick to bring charges against all of you," says the Lord who rules over all. "I will bring charges against you sinful people who do not have any respect for me. That includes those who practice evil magic. It includes those who commit adultery and those who tell lies in court. It includes those who cheat workers out of their pay. It includes those who crush widows. It also includes those who mistreat children whose fathers have died. And it includes those who take away the rights of outsiders in the courts.

6 "I am the Lord. I do not change. That is why I have not destroyed you members of Jacob's family.

7 You have turned away from my rules. You have not obeyed them. You have lived that way ever since the days of your people long ago. Return to me. Then I will return to you," says the Lord who rules over all. "But you ask, 'How can we return?'

8 "Will a man dare to steal from me? But you rob me! "You ask, 'How do we rob you?' "By holding back your offerings. You also steal from me when you do not bring me a tenth of everything you produce.

9 So you are under my curse. In fact, your whole nation is under it. That is because you are robbing me.

10 "Bring the entire tenth to the storerooms in my temple. Then there will be plenty of food. Put me to the test," says the Lord. "Then you will see that I will throw open the windows of heaven. I will pour out so many blessings that you will not have enough room for them.

11 I will keep bugs from eating up your crops. And your grapes will not drop from the vines before they are ripe," says the Lord.