1 The Lord spoke to Moses. He said,
2 "Speak to the people of Israel. Get 12 wooden staffs from them. Get one from the leader of each of Israel's tribes. Write the name of each man on his staff.
3 Write Aaron's name on the staff of Levi. There must be one staff for the head of each of Israel's tribes.
4 "Put the staffs in the Tent of Meeting. Place them in front of the ark where the tablets of the covenant are kept. That is where I meet with you.
5 The staff that belongs to the man I choose will begin to grow new shoots. The people of Israel are never happy with what you do. I will put an end to what they are saying."
6 So Moses spoke to the people of Israel. Their leaders gave him 12 wooden staffs. They gave one for the leader of each of Israel's tribes. Aaron's staff was among them.
7 Moses put the staffs in front of the Lord in the tent where the tablets of the covenant were kept.