8 "Come with me from Lebanon, my bride. Come with me from Lebanon. Come down from the top of Mount Amana. Come down from the top of Senir. Come to me from the peak of Mount Hermon. Leave the dens where the lions live. Leave the places in the mountains where the leopards stay.
9 My bride, you have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes. My sister, you have stolen my heart with one jewel in your necklace.
10 My bride, your love is so delightful. My sister, your love makes me happier than wine does. Your perfume smells better than any spice.
11 Your lips are as sweet as a honeycomb, my bride. Milk and honey are under your tongue. Your clothes smell like the cedar trees in Lebanon.
12 My bride, you are like a garden that is locked up. My sister, you are like a spring of water that has a fence around it. You are like a fountain that is sealed up.
13 You are like trees whose branches are loaded with pomegranates, fine fruits, henna and nard,
14 with saffron, cane and cinnamon. You are like every kind of incense tree. You have myrrh, aloes and all of the finest spices.