6 There won't be any light on that day. The sun, moon and stars will not shine.
7 It will be a day unlike any other. It won't be separated into day and night. It will be a day known only to the Lord. After that day is over, there will be light again.
8 At that time water that gives life will flow out from Jerusalem. Half of it will run into the Dead Sea. The other half will go to the Mediterranean Sea. The water will flow in summer and winter.
9 The Lord will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one Lord. His name will be the only name.
10 The whole land south of Jerusalem will be changed. From Geba to Rimmon it will become like the Arabah Valley. But Jerusalem will be raised up. It will remain in its place. From the Benjamin Gate to the First Gate to the Corner Gate nothing will be changed. From the Tower of Hananel to the royal winepress the city will remain the same.
11 People will live in it. Jerusalem will never be destroyed again. It will be secure.
12 The Lord will punish all of the nations that fought against Jerusalem. He'll strike them with a plague. It will make their bodies rot while they are still standing on their feet. Their eyes will rot in their heads. Their tongues will rot in their mouths.