26 But what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet.
27 This is the one about whom it is written:‘ “I will send my messenger ahead of you,who will prepare your way before you.”
28 I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John; yet the one who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.’
29 (All the people, even the tax collectors, when they heard Jesus’ words, acknowledged that God’s way was right, because they had been baptised by John.
30 But the Pharisees and the experts in the law rejected God’s purpose for themselves, because they had not been baptised by John.)
31 Jesus went on to say, ‘To what, then, can I compare the people of this generation? What are they like?
32 They are like children sitting in the market-place and calling out to each other:‘ “We played the pipe for you,and you did not dance;we sang a dirge,and you did not cry.”