13 I will punish her for the daysshe burned incense to the Baals;she decked herself with rings and jewellery,and went after her lovers,but me she forgot,’declares the Lord.
14 ‘Therefore I am now going to allure her;I will lead her into the wildernessand speak tenderly to her.
15 There I will give her back her vineyards,and will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope.There she will respond as in the days of her youth,as in the day she came up out of Egypt.
16 ‘In that day,’ declares the Lord,‘you will call me “my husband”;you will no longer call me “my master”.
17 I will remove the names of the Baals from her lips;no longer will their names be invoked.
18 In that day I will make a covenant for themwith the beasts of the field, the birds in the skyand the creatures that move along the ground.Bow and sword and battleI will abolish from the land,so that all may lie down in safety.
19 I will betroth you to me for ever;I will betroth you in righteousness and justice,in love and compassion.