9 They have sunk deep into corruption,as in the days of Gibeah.God will remember their wickednessand punish them for their sins.
10 ‘When I found Israel,it was like finding grapes in the desert;when I saw your ancestors,it was like seeing the early fruit on the fig-tree.But when they came to Baal Peor,they consecrated themselves to that shameful idoland became as vile as the thing they loved.
11 Ephraim’s glory will fly away like a bird –no birth, no pregnancy, no conception.
12 Even if they bring up children,I will bereave them of every one.Woe to themwhen I turn away from them!
13 I have seen Ephraim, like Tyre,planted in a pleasant place.But Ephraim will bring outtheir children to the slayer.’
14 Give them, Lord –what will you give them?Give them wombs that miscarryand breasts that are dry.
15 ‘Because of all their wickedness in Gilgal,I hated them there.Because of their sinful deeds,I will drive them out of my house.I will no longer love them;all their leaders are rebellious.