10 Many shepherds will ruin my vineyardand trample down my field;they will turn my pleasant fieldinto a desolate wasteland.
11 It will be made a wasteland,parched and desolate before me;the whole land will be laid wastebecause there is no one who cares.
12 Over all the barren heights in the desertdestroyers will swarm,for the sword of the Lord will devourfrom one end of the land to the other;no one will be safe.
13 They will sow wheat but reap thorns;they will wear themselves out but gain nothing.They will bear the shame of their harvestbecause of the Lord’s fierce anger.’
14 This is what the Lord says: ‘As for all my wicked neighbours who seize the inheritance I gave to my people Israel, I will uproot them from their lands and I will uproot the people of Judah from among them.
15 But after I uproot them, I will again have compassion and will bring each of them back to their own inheritance and their own country.
16 And if they learn well the ways of my people and swear by my name, saying, “As surely as the Lord lives” – even as they once taught my people to swear by Baal – then they will be established among my people.