8 Jerusalem has sinned greatlyand so has become unclean.All who honoured her despise her,for they have all seen her naked;she herself groansand turns away.
9 Her filthiness clung to her skirts;she did not consider her future.Her fall was astounding;there was none to comfort her.‘Look, Lord, on my affliction,for the enemy has triumphed.’
10 The enemy laid handson all her treasures;she saw pagan nationsenter her sanctuary –those you had forbiddento enter your assembly.
11 All her people groanas they search for bread;they barter their treasures for foodto keep themselves alive.‘Look, Lord, and consider,for I am despised.’
12 ‘Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by?Look around and see.Is any suffering like my sufferingthat was inflicted on me,that the Lord brought on mein the day of his fierce anger?
13 ‘From on high he sent fire,sent it down into my bones.He spread a net for my feetand turned me back.He made me desolate,faint all the day long.
14 ‘My sins have been bound into a yoke;by his hands they were woven together.They have been hung on my neck,and the Lord has sapped my strength.He has given me into the handsof those I cannot withstand.