13 Let’s see if your idols can save youwhen you cry to them for help.Why, a puff of wind can knock them down!If you just breathe on them, they fall over!But whoever trusts in me will inherit the landand possess my holy mountain.”
14 God says, “Rebuild the road!Clear away the rocks and stonesso my people can return from captivity.”
15 The high and lofty one who lives in eternity,the Holy One, says this:“I live in the high and holy placewith those whose spirits are contrite and humble.I restore the crushed spirit of the humbleand revive the courage of those with repentant hearts.
16 For I will not fight against you forever;I will not always be angry.If I were, all people would pass away—all the souls I have made.
17 I was angry,so I punished these greedy people.I withdrew from them,but they kept going on their own stubborn way.
18 I have seen what they do,but I will heal them anyway!I will lead them.I will comfort those who mourn,
19 bringing words of praise to their lips.May they have abundant peace, both near and far,”says the lord, who heals them.